Project Description
One of the most admired family services agencies in Arizona is Save the Family Foundation. This important service provides safe housing, training and resources for abused women and their children as well as helps the homeless families to get their lives back on track in a safe environment.
Save The Family Foundation engaged Media Architects to help them effectively capture and educate the public on these very serious issues.
After meeting with the client on over a several day period and scouting their location in Mesa, our video production team set about writing the script for this powerful and educational long form video about the programs they offer and the many ways Save the Family helps the community.
We were tasked to film both Janet Napolitano as well as Arizona Senator John McCain for this production and the politicians were gracious enough to lend their time for this special fund raising and educational video.
If you are a nonprofit group and would like to discuss our special nonprofit rate structures, please give Media Architects a call today at 602.569.3435 for a no-obligation consultation.